A client just asked us: “Is it okay to have a pro-America message for 4th of July?”
WHAT THE F…reedom!?!? Ok, my knee jerk reaction was outrage– silent outrage– as, typically, berating clients impacts the overall longevity of our relationship. However, it wasn’t some sense of professionalism that held me back. It’s that, that question isn’t outrageous anymore. In fact, similar concerns have been voiced by a few clients over the past year. The concern is: is it okay to love America?
But for now, let’s push business and branding and marketing aside. What I’m about to say is personal; it’s about individual beliefs. I can’t speak to the various ideologies of our entire team, but after much discussion in the office, I am going to speak for the collective heart of 6DG.
The America WE love stands for acceptance and freedom. Our America stands with open arms as a gesture of welcome and support. Those words forged at the foot of The Statue of Liberty are a promise, not just to the outside world but to the people already here who find themselves as outsiders. Our idea of America stands by that promise, as unwavering as the colossus herself. It’s still a golden beacon of hope and liberty regardless of the storm that passes over it. THAT is the America we love and are proud of.
So if you are asking whether it’s okay to be pro-America, dig a little deeper and think about what YOU want America to be. If those ideals seem to have fallen into shadow, maybe you need to start that conversation to bring them into the light.