As 2021 finally comes to an end, we’re thankful that we’ve been able to get together in the office again – brainstorming by zoom is not our favorite – and grateful for the hospitality industry clients that continue to trust us with their restaurant marketing, branding and social media during the ever-changing year behind us.
We look towards 2022 with hope and the knowledge that we’ll be continuing to rock and roll with changes that buffet the restaurant industry. But before we kick 2021 out the door, we want to share our good fortune with organizations that have helped our industry, our community and, frankly, the whole world. In lieu of holiday gifts, we’ve made donations to the following groups that are important to us.
Our six picks for 2021
No Us Without You These are some of the hardest working people I know and the backbone of the hospitality industry. The ones who aren’t seen, who we don’t think about, but continue to perform at a phenomenal pace. We see you! And appreciate everything you do.
Tree People Hiking is one of my favorite passions, and I’ve encountered numerous TreePeople employees spending their weekends planting trees on the local trails. Their hard work is helping to care for our ecosystem and what helps clean our air, reduce energy costs, provide food and shelter and more. The world needs more trees!
Surfrider Foundation The ocean has always been my strongest source of both inspiration and solace. As a surfer, protecting our coastlines is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. I’ve seen Surfrider’s impact up close over the years and I continue to support their foundation whenever possible.
All for Armenia The recent war between Armenia (& Artsakh) and Azerbaijan left thousands of Armenian refugees without basic needs. As a part of the Armenian diaspora, I’ve seen the incredible impact All For Armenia has on these families and Armenia as they begin to rebuild, again.
Inner-City Arts Growing up, the rare times we got to do art in class were the highlights of my experience. Charities like these give underserved LA kids that experience, which then unlocks their creative potential.
World Central Kitchen WCK doesn’t just feed communities when disaster strikes, although they’re usually the first on the ground to provide hot meals and start the long process of rebuilding the local restaurant industry. Beyond that, WCK is also attacking food insecurity, supporting independent women- and minority-owned restaurants, and training chefs.
After this year, six donations didn’t seem like enough, so we rounded up to ten:
Another Round, Another Rally – supporting the hospitality industry
Greenpeace – the planet can’t wait
Planned Parenthood – ‘nuff said
Water.org – safe water saves lives
And with that, a very happy, healthy, and safely masked new year!